Sunday, September 30, 2012

October 1st

Inferno is coming along pretty nicely.  The platforming mechanics are where I like them.  I figure, if the platforming sucks, the whole game sucks...

so, I am making sure it doesn't suck.

With that taken care of, I am now going back through the code and cleaning things up before proceeding further (With enemies, etc.).

I am also mapping out the level in better detail than my original rough draft.

In other news, Pyramid Plunder is still coming along perfectly!  We're still shooting for that Christmas-time release.


Sunday, September 16, 2012

September, Again!

Inferno is doing things.   It's going a bit slower than I wanted it to.

I blame distractions like nice weather and Magic the Gathering.

I am currently working on making him jump in a way that isn't stupid and annoying.   If the jumping is irritating, this whole game is dead in the water!


In other news, Pyramid Plunder testing!  The usual!

Sunday, September 2, 2012


As of right now, we've got the usual.  

Pyramid Plunder is nearly done.  Inferno is off to a good start (expect screenshots soon!). 

Nothing out of the ordinary to report!

Frozen Utopia, one of our fellow PCE dev groups, finished their game: Mysterious Song.  You can buy it at